With the driving school comparison in Winterthur you can compare driving schools in your region with various categories (car and motorbike). Compare ratings, prices and much more of the driving schools and book your first driving lesson or an introductory talk directly.
To compare the best driving schools in Winterthur, proceed as follows:
First clarify whether you want to learn to drive manual or automatic.
19 driving schools found
The easiest way to find the best driving school and driving instructor in Winterthur is to combine the suggestions of your friends and family and the result of your search on our driving school comparison. Also note the price when choosing a driving school or driving instructor, this is one of the most important aspects to consider. Check and read the reviews and experiences of each riderto know if the instructors are a good fit for you or not.
By reviewing the reviews from their websites, these are the best driving schools and driving instructors (according to Google) in Winterthur.
The Driving-Park driving school is certified in the field of theoretical and practical training and further education in road traffic. They attach great importance to keeping driving schools up to date through training and further education. The driving school Driving-Park stands with its name for a comprehensive and high-quality education in all courses and categories and therefore offers from driving lessons to the WAB course all usually in Swiss german.
Strupi's driving school by driving instructor Ramon Strupler promotes professional driving lessons at fair prices and accompanies you until you receive a permanent driver's license. You can choose to complete the driving lessons in a manual vehicle or in an automatic vehicle. Courses are driving lessons (category B), traffic education lessons (VKU), WAB. The driving lesson lasts 50 minutes and offers trial lessons.
Dany's driving school promises a pleasant learning experience and can accompany you professionally up to the practical ride. Learn to drive with both manual and automatic shifting. The meeting point for driving lessons is determined by the school.
With the Wintifahrschuleyou can look forward to being on the road independently with a car or motorcycle. For your training as a car driver or motorcyclist, they provide a number of qualified driving instructors with patience and experience. Courses are emergency helper course, theorycourse,traffic customer lessons, motorcycledriving lessons, cardriving lessons and WAB. The Wintifahrschule accompanies the driver on the entire way to the driver's license.
Drive-Coaching Driving School promises a pleasant and quiet atmosphere when learning to drive. The driving instructors have the necessary skills to accompany you successfully to the driving test. The meeting point for the driving lessons is located right next to Winterthur main station. The Driving Coaching Driving school offers driving lessons with an automatic transmission or on a manual car, test simulation drives and consultations and refresher rides so that the driving students receive the best possible training.
In Winterthur there are many driving schools with different teaching methods, different courses and different car types and car brands, from manual to automatic.
Unlike other comparison platforms that don't offer a user-friendly comparison, todrive.ch has a unique feature when it comes to driving instructors and driving schools. Learner drivers can easily compare important criteria such as ratings and prices of driving schools in each category by using the driving school comparison options.
These are the cheapest driving instructors and driving schools in Winterthur. They have published promos and trial lessons on their website.
Learner drivers can benefit from the 25-year experience of the Autodrive fahrschule. Thomas Waelti is the driving instructor and is very proud of the many hundreds of students who have passed the practical driving test thanks to his help. He conducts the driving lessons with the latest technology and promises to pass the driving test on the first attempt. The courses offered are driving lessons (automatic, manual). Or for those who need to exchange their foreign driver's license or simply have to pass a test drive for medical reasons, they offer a preparation for it. Refresher rides can be made with their own vehicle or with the vehicle of the driving school . The Autodrive drivingchule accompanies you from the theoretical exam to the driver's license.
If quality at a fair price is important to you, then you are in the right place at the Drivestyle driving school. The driving instructor Giandi Lepre wants to give you a stress-free and relaxed environment in which you can drive. Learn the driving style and basics of driving at a great price, he is even offered trial lessons. The courses include theorycourse, driverlessons, traffic science lessons (VKU), practical driving test and WAB. You will also learn to drive with a moderndriving school vehicle.
Strupi's driving school offers driving lessons at fair prices in a Ford Focus 1.0 SCTi. You can choose whether you want to complete the driving lessons in a manual car or in an automatic vehicle. The courses offered are driving lessons (category B), traffic lessons (VKU) and WAB. The driving lesson lasts 50 minutes and you can also take a taster lesson at Strupi's driving school.
Learn to drive with the Haselbach driving school in a professional and relaxed atmosphere, whether in a manual or an automatic car. They offer you a non-binding opportunity to take your first driving lesson,the free test. Courses are driving lessons, theorylessons and trafficlessons(VKU). Book a driving lesson now via our driving school comparison of todrive.ch.
Dany's Driving School has been teaching Category B driving lessons for more than 12 years and has been awarded the Certificate of Excellence for four consecutive years since 2017 . Its owner and driving instructor Dany has gained a lot of experience with both manual and automatic driving lessons and is committed to high-quality and professional driving training. Dany's Driving School offers trial lessons and sets the meeting point for driving lessons.
These are the most popular driving instructors and driving schools in Winterthur. They have received the highest ratings among the other drivers.
The Driving-Park driving school stands with its name for comprehensive and high-quality courses and driving lessons of all categories. Fahrs chule works successfully with equally popular partners and is eduQua-certified in the field of theoretical and practical training and further education in road traffic. Courses offered arehelper courses, VKU, WAB, motorcycledriving lessons and driving lessons. The Fahrschule Driving Park has 29 driving instructors and employees, who usually conduct courses in Swiss German.
Strupi's driving school offers professional driving lessons at fair prices and will guide you to obtaining a permanent driver's license. Ramon Strupler is the owner and one of the driving instructors with a lot of experience and passion for driving, a variety of vehicles and thousands of accident-free kilometers on the road. The services are driving lessons (category B) in a manual or automatic car and last 50 minutes, traffic lessons (VKU) and WAB. Free trial lessons are also available.
Drive-Coaching Driving School is run by a driving instructor who has a federal certificate and is equipped with the necessary skills to successfully take you to the practical driving test. The Drive Coaching Driving School offers driving lessons on an automatic transmission or on a manual car, test simulation drives, consultations, and refresher rides so that the learner drivers can receive the best possible training.
Erich Wagner is a professional driving instructor who founded thedriving school 4you in 2000. He guarantees you that you will learn to drive in a relaxed environment. The Fahrschule offers driving lessons for cars, motorcycles and scooters, emergency helper courses, trafficlessons (VKU). The course dates can be viewed and booked directly on the website of Fahrschule4you.
Ralf Friedrich has been a self-employed driving instructor since 2007, owns and manages the driving chule Schaltchnüppel.ch and will be happy to accompany you from the first driving lesson to the successful drivingtest. Driving lessons are to be booked for cars (manual and automatic), trailers and motorcycles. The courses include the emergency helper course, traffic customerlessons and WAB. Triallessons are also available and can be booked via the driving school comparison of todrive.ch.
An hour's drive in Winterthur takes an average of 50 minutes.
While the vast majority of driving schools and driving instructors offer driving lessons or courses for category B (car) license holders, only a small number of driving schools and driving instructors offer lessons or courses for the motorcycle category.
Winterthur is located in a plain, surrounded by rolling hills with many forests and other natural areas and has around 110,000 inhabitants. It is the largest city in Switzerland. The city is full of life, no matter what time of day. Shops, restaurants, markets, and festivals bring the place to life and offer a meeting place for locals, visitors, and businesspeople alike.
Being a city small enough to get around comfortably while having a metropolitan atmosphere makes Winterthur a popular tourist destination. Thepedestrian zoneis one of the largestin the country. Since Winterthur is located on one of the most important railway lines in Switzerland, more than 100 Eurocity Intercity and other Rapid trains stop daily at the main station with good connections. Four motorway exits facilitate access by car from the east-west main road that crosses Switzerland.
In Winterthur, the driver's license costs an average of around 3800 francs, which is rather more expensive compared to other cities. Most driving schools and driving instructors offer both manual and automatic driving lessons here. Since February 2019, it no longer matters with which type of transmission du will take the practical driving test. An hour's drive in Winterthur takes an average of 50 minutes. All driving schools and driving instructors post and explain in detail individual steps on the way to the driver's license, which consists of many forms, tests and courses, so that the learner drivers do not lose track and do not miss any deadlines for the acquisition of a driver's license.
The most convenient way to learn more about the Corona measures is to contact a representative of your driving school, or with yourdriving instructor. Or you can contact the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH), as the requirements are constantly changing.
Due to the comprehensive and competent training that the driving instructors of each driving school receive, some driving instructors are better than others. However, the difference is usually small. It is helpful to use our driving instructor comparison todrive.ch where you can find and compare the best driving school and the best driving instructors in Winterthur. The question of which driving school or driving instructor is the best is not easy to answer. It is often necessary to follow the advice or recommendation of a friend or family and call the driving school where they successfully obtained the driver's license and had a positive experience.
We can help you answer your questions, e.g., who best suits your requirements and ideas and who I am best prepared for the practical ride. With our driving school comparison, you will find the best driving schools and driving instructors in Winterthur. Find out who teaches in winterthur in the categories car, motorcycle, truck, taxi and watercraft.Todrive.ch also has information for your trafficlessons, emergency helper courses and WAB searches. Find out which driving instructors in Winterthur have a high-quality value by comparing the awards so that you can make your decision based on the evaluations and experiences of other learner drivers.
If you are looking for a driving school and a driving instructor, you should first consider the reviews. The ratings must come from reliable sources such as todrive.ch and Google and former learner drivers. If a driving school constantly receives the highest possible ratings, this can also be an indication of certain inconsistencies, because driving instructors are not without mistakes, as they are people like you and me.
Next, consider the price, then savings packages, administration fees (which are often integrated with insurance lump sum) and whether or not trial lessons are available in addition to the normal prices ofthe driving lessons. Also note the profileof the driving school and all the personal criteria. It is important to consider whether you and the driving instructor will have a suitable "chemistry" or a good connection. Todrive's can help you with our driving school comparison. Our driving school comparison allows you to quickly find the most suitable driving school for you by filtering and sorting the results according to your wishes.
Stay away from driving schools and driving instructors who don't have reviews and those who provide false information on their websites or social media profiles. This is important because reviews reflect factual information. Also refrain from driving schools that do not fit well with yourpersonality. It is important to know if you and your driving instructor will have the right chemistry. Assuming the profile of the driving school appeals to you should take a trial driving lesson or a regular lesson tofamiliarize yourself with the driving school.
The average cost of an hour's drive in Winterthur is CHF 1.90 per minute. The average cost of a single hour's drive is 94.85 Swiss francs.
The Driving-Park is the most searched driving school in Winterthur, followed by Strupi's Driving School, then Dany's Fahrschuel, Wintifahrschule and Drive-Coaching Driving School.
The best driving schools with savings packages in Winterthur are Strupi's Driving School, Dany's Fahrschuel and Drive-Coaching Driving School.
The best driving schools and driving instructors with trial lessons in Winterthur are Strupi's Fahrschule, Dany's Fahrschuel, Fahrschule4you and Fahrschule Schaltchnüppel.ch.
The Auto-Fahrschule Kohler is the best driving school in Winterthur, which picks you up for the driving lessonn.
The cheapest driving schools in Winterthur are Autodrive Driving School, Drivestyle Lepre Driving School, Strupi's Driving School and Haselbach Driving School.
The Driving-Park Driving School, Strupi's Driving School, Drive Coaching Driving School, Driving School4you and Driving School Schaltchnüppel.ch are the popular driving schools for women in Winterthur.
The Driving-Park Driving School, the Strupi's Driving School, the Winti Driving School and the Drive-Coaching Driving School are the driving schools in the centre of Winterthur.
The Driving Park and the Wintifahrschule are the largest driving schools in Winterthur.
Strupi's Driving School and Drive Coaching Driving School and Driving School4you are the three driving schools with the best customer reviews in Winterthur.
Driving Park, Strupi's Driving School, Dany's Fahrschuel, Wintifahrschule and Drive-Coaching Driving School are the driving schools with the most reviews in Winterthur.
The Driving-Park and the Fahrschule4you are the two best driving schools in Winterthur with motorcycle driving lessons.
The Driving Park, Strupi's Driving School, Dany's Driving School, Drive Coaching Driving School and Thomy's Driving School are the best driving schools in Winterthur with automatic drivinglessons.
Strupi's Driving School, Dany's Driving School, Drive Coaching Driving School, Thomy's Driving School and Fahrschule4you are the best driving schools in Winterthur with manual drivinglessons.
Drive Coaching Driving School, Thomy's Driving School and Autodrive Driving School are the three driving schools that offer courses such as emergency helper, VKU and WAB in Winterthur.
A driver's license in Switzerland costs around 3500 francs. In Winterthur, a driver's license costs on average around 3800 francs, which means that it is usually more expensive. But the costs vary greatly between the individual learner drivers and can only be compared in the beginning.
The Stefano Gigli driving school is the only driving school that has an environmentally friendly (electric) vehicle.
There is an insurance or administration fee that must be paid. With fully comprehensive insurance, the insurance lump sum serves your personal protection. For the sake of simplicity, insurance and administration fees are sometimes combined into a single price.
Winterthur is located in a basin south and east of the Töss and is surrounded by hills with many forests and other natural areas. With over 110,000 inhabitants, it is the 6th largest city in Switzerland.
Winterthur has many surprises to offer. It has 17 museums and a large number of parks and gardens. It is full of life, no matter what time of day. Shops, restaurants, markets, and festivals bring the place to life and provide a meeting place for locals, visitors and businesspeople alike.
The city is small enough to get around comfortably. Its pedestrian zone is the largest in the country. Since Winterthur is located on one of the most important railway lines in Switzerland, more than 100 Eurocity Intercity and other Rapid trains stop daily at the main station with good connections to all major cities in the surrounding countries. Four motorway exits facilitate access by car from the east-west main road that crosses Switzerland.
For an easy search when looking for a driving school or driving instructor in Winterthur, todrive.ch helps you to find one by comparing driving schools and driving instructors in the area and benefiting from the reviews and experiences of other learner drivers. Simply sort and filter the results according to your wishes and ideas and get the best result. In addition, the platform is constantly evolving and includes new, informative and useful features.